The NFL has positively impacted the lives of many players, but there are sinister signs of negative effects as well. Many players have all the glory and fame when they play in this sport, but later disappear from the limelight. There’s even some evidence that the injuries inflicted on these players can make them violent and unstable. The real scary part is that some of these injuries often go unseen or unreported.
In some players, complications develop early, even before they quit the game. Of course the evidence isn’t conclusive as to whether these athletes were criminals to start or became unhinged as a result of the injuries they sustained playing football. Ultimately it’s up to you to decide for yourself. These crimes only get more severe and horrific as we progress, so prepare yourself.
We present to you the most gruesome and horrible crimes of all time committed by NFL players:
1. Mark Ingram
Mark used to play for the New York Giants, Miami Dolphins and Green Bay Packers and the Philadelphia Eagles as a wide receiver before he crossed the law. It was at Michigan that Mark Ingram played the role of receiver, a position he played during high school and for the rest of his professional career.
Mark was charged with money laundering and fraud. He was sentenced to seven years in prison and up to 5 years for money laundering. An arrest warrant was issued when he failed to show up at the federal prison in Kentucky.
He was later arrested in 2009 in a hotel at Michigan. Of course fraud isn’t that severe of a crime to most people, but this is only the tip of the iceberg.

2. Thomas Henderson
Thomas Henderson was arrested and charged with exposing two minor girls to consumption of cocaine. Once a very promising linebacker for Texas Cowboys, Thomas Henderson was found guilty of exchanging drugs for sex with the two teenage girls.

After Thomas pleaded guilty to the charge, he was sent to 28 months in prison and put into a rehabilitation center. The steps by the court was a move to assist the player who was on the path of self destruction. In their view, the majority of NFL players were having difficulty coping with the overnight success.

3. Keith Wright
The former player of the Detroit Lions was arrested on August 12, 2012, for suspicion of sexual abuse in nearby Sacramento, California. He was found guilty of 19 charges that included armed robbery, forced oral copulation, kidnapping, and burglary.

Keith Wright was sentenced to prison for 234 years and 8 months. The news of his sentence was a blow to the NFL community. The news also made people begin to speculate that there was something wrong with the game. In essence, majority of the NFL players that get imprisoned for grave charges that are unimaginable to many people. An indication that these players may be facing some kind of brain damage.

4. Kevin Allen
After the unstable performance at Philadelphia Eagles for being in possession of cocaine, Kelvin was shortly charged with rape. The charges were a blow to his life and family. He pleaded guilty of raping a 35 years old woman on a New Jersey beach. Allen’s former roommate, Scott Cartwright, was charged alongside him for beating the woman’s male companion while Kevin was sexually assaulting the lady.

The woman suffered from post-traumatic distress.The woman’s male companion, Milone sustained serious head injuries, broken limbs, punctured lung and eyes that needed surgery. Cartwright was sentenced to only seven years in jail.

5. David Lee Meggett
David Lee Meggett was first arrested in 1980 and charged with assault of an escort worker in Toronto, Canada. He resigned as the director of the recreation with Robersonville in 2006 following is accusation for sexually assaulting his former girlfriend. He received probation of two years after being convicted in 2007.

Meggett was later charged with burglary and criminal sexual conduct in 2010. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison. David’s crime adds to the long list of NFL players misbehaving and seemingly taking pride in abusing people’s rights. It was an equally sad moment for the NFL.

6. Jim Dunaway
Jim played college football before venturing into a pro football with the Buffalo Bills. Born in September 1941, he played the position of tackle defensive. He was among the mighty undefeated Miami Dolphins that brought a strong wave of the NFL games in the early 70s.

He was arrested in 1998 after being suspected of killing his ex-wife, Nonniel Dunaway by drowning her in a swimming pool. Nonniel’s body was found in a half-empty swimming pool. The body had a fractured skull. Due to lack of sufficient evidence, Jim was released by the jury in 2002 and instructed to pay $575,000 to his children after they filed a lawsuit of wrongful death.

7. Shane Dronett
Life took a new turn when he started experiencing fear, rage, confusion, and paranoia. He was to be later diagnosed with a brain tumor. He confronted his wife with a gun and when he could not get a hold of her, he turned the gun and shot himself dead. Dronett’s brain examination confirmed that he suffered from chronic traumatic encephalopathy.

He committed the suicide on January 2009 while playing for Denver Broncos as a defensive lineman. The unfortunate happening did a serious blow to the NFL community and his family.

8. Eric Naposki
He was charged with murdering Bill McLaughlin in an attempt to collect his life insurance policy. He was charged alongside his ex-girlfriend, Nanette Packard McNeal as they allegedly committed the heinous act together. It was believed that Eric manipulated Nannette to kill McLaughlin so that they could inherit a $1 million life insurance policy and secure the right to live in the victim’s beach house for one year.

Nanette was sentenced for one year after pleading innocent. He was convicted on June 2012 to life in prison without parole. The former player of New England Patriots committed the crimes in May 2009.

9. Robert Rozier
He was part of a black supremacist cult committed to killing white people in America. The former player at St Cardinals joined the group known as “The Brotherhood” in 1982 that was led by Yahweh Ben Yahweh. To join the brotherhood, new members were required to kill a white person and bring his body part to their leader. After joining the Brotherhood, he changed his name to Child of God, Nearial Israel.

Under the condition to give information about the cult’s leader, Robert was imprisoned for 22 years and was released in 1996. However, he was later arrested in 1998 after being found in possession of 29 invalid checks. Rozier was later charged with a felony and convicted under a third strike law. He was imprisoned for 25 years.

10. Tommy Kane
Born in Quebec 1964, Tommy was a wide receiver for the Seattle Seahawks. Tommy Kane reportedly stabbed his wife in a cold blooded murder. Shaikh Tamara, Tommy’s wife, died soon after the stabbing while in the hospital. He murdered his wife in his own mother’s house at Lassalle, Quebec. Through his act, he made four children motherless. Tommy and his fallen wife were previously divorced. According to testimony in court, Tommy grabbed Tamara’s hair and dragged her into his mother’s kitchen where he violently stabbed her in the neck.

Attempts to lower the sentence due to the fact that Tommy suffered from depression bore no fruit. Tommy pleaded guilty of manslaughter in response to the charge of second-degree murder. He was imprisoned for 18 years.

11. Aaron Hernandez
Aaron Hernandez played for the University of Florida before joining the New England Patriots. In 2007, Hernandez was confronted by a Gainesville bar employee for not paying for two drinks he had ordered. During the conflict that ensued, he pushed the employee into a corner rupturing his eardrum. Later, in 2012 he was indicted of a double murder of Furtao and Abreu that took place in Boston’s South end.

On June 2013, the body of Hernandez’s friend was discovered in a park a few yards from Hernandez’s home. When it was known that Hernandez had intentionally vandalized his home security system, a search warrant was immediately issued by the Massachusetts state police. On June 2013, he was charged with second-degree murder and five gun related charges. He was found guilty of murdering his friend, Oddin Lloyd and was sentenced to life in prison at Souza-Baranowski Correctional Centre.

12. Orenthal James Simpson
He had a bright career in football and set a world record as the first NFL player to rush more than 2000 yards in a 14 game season. Born in San Francisco, Simpson was a talented actor, football player and broadcaster. He was charged in 1994 for raping and murder his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson. He was later acquitted by the jury after a highly televised trial.

He was given a judgement for wrongful deaths and fined $35 million. He was later apprehended and charged with armed robbery and kidnapping on September 2007. The following year he was convicted and imprisoned for 33 years with a minimum of nine years without parole.

13. Rae Carruth
Rae Carruth was a player for Carolina Panthers. He attacked Cherica Adams, whom he was dating. On November 1996, Rae reportedly shot Cherica four times with the aid of his associate, Van Bret. Adams was eight months pregnant with Carruth’s child. She managed to survive the shots and called 911. She narrated to the police that she saw Carruth among the people in a vehicle that drove by her place.

Adams later died and the child barely survived with severe brain trauma, upon hearing of Adams death Carruth fled. He was apprehended in Western Tennessee. During the trial, Carruth was charged with attempted murder, shooting into an occupied vehicle, and using an instrument to destroy an unborn child. It was discovered that Carruth confronted Adams for refusing to abort the unborn child.

14. Mike Current
His fame in the NFL games roamed in the mid-60s and 70s where he played the position of a defensive lineman for Denver Broncos and later moved to Miami Dolphins. Mike Current faced charges of sexually abusing three minors all below 14 years, a boy and two girls. The Silverton police department opened its investigations on Tuesday 17, 2012.

He was to appearing for charges the same day where he faced a possibility of 30 years in prison without parole. On a Monday, the 16th of January 2012 at the Slough National Wildlife Refuge near Oregon, Current committed suicide by self-inflicted gunshot. Mike Current, a native of Lima, left behind three sons.

15. Jovan Belcher
Just like Adrian Robinson Jr., Jovan was a free agent for Kansas City when he died in a murder-suicide on December 2012. He was one of the few successful NFL players when he started experiencing mental distress. The symptoms of trauma manifested when he was engaging his wife in frequent arguments over small issues. After a moment of intense and long argument, the NFL player fired gunshots at the wife while the their daughter was watching.

He immediately drove to a parking facility where he met a chief general manager, Pioli Scot. He narrated to Scot how he successfully massacred his wife and requested him to watch over his daughter. He killed himself after hearing police sirens approaching. The manager had tried to confront Jovan into putting the gun down although he failed. It was later confirmed that the player had excessive alcohol in his body during the murder – suicide.
The family later requested the exhuming of his body to determine whether Javon had chronic trauma. They even filed a suit against Kansas City claiming that the team was aware of the player’s neuropsychiatric impairment. A report by the medical examiner later confirmed that Javon was suffering from chronic traumatic encephalopathy.