Dating In Los Angeles

Dating in Los Angeles Featured Image

Big City Problems Los Angeles is one of the most populated cities in the United States. This would make dating seem like a breeze when there are so many people to consider. People that actually live in Los Angeles, however, …


How many times are you gonna tell me you run marathons? “Endorphins are painkillers produced in response to physical discomfort, says Matthew Hill, Ph.D., an assistant professor at the University of Calgary’s Hotchkiss Brain Institute. But that doesn’t mean your runs should be excruciating; you need to find a sweet …


Things You Can Only Find In Utah

If the American dream still exists anywhere, it’s in the great state of Utah. The state boasts top literacy levels nationwide, in addition to the smallest income gap. Strangers greet each other on the street and most people rarely lock …


TV Drug Advertising: Helpful or Hurtful

  You are just sitting there, watching your favorite show. Then BAM! Some commercial comes on about how if your suffer from any kind of symptom or disease then you should contact your doctor about drug X, Y, or Z. …


17 Famous People Who Used to Be Homeless

Most famous people had a place to start and a trust fund to fall back on in case their show business aspirations wouldn’t pan out. Yet, many didn’t have anything but their dream and unrelenting ambition. Before they became millionaires and gained worldwide …


20 Ridiculously Unreasonable Fears

About 23% of Americans have been diagnosed with a phobia. Most commonly, people suffer from irrational fears associated with meeting someone new, speaking before a crowd, eating in front of people and other social factors, which is why the condition is often confused for shyness. …


Internships: Good or Bad?

Today, there are more college graduates in the workforce than ever before. As a result, it’s harder for a student to find a worthwhile job after graduating. A university diploma is no longer enough to start a career. Employers don’t want to pay …


Richest Pastors in America

  In many ways, the modern-day Christian Church resembles a business industry. The success of a congregation is determined by how many clients – in this case, Christians – it services. As technology improves, businesses becomes more efficient and so has …