1. Automated Bullets
Back in the early days of guns, the weapons and munitions were quite simplistic and the shooter was lucky to come close to the target. Our weaponry development has been upgraded a lot since those times and is now implementing laser technology.

Experts in our American military have designed a bullet that follows the path of a laser. The bullet even has tiny wings that helps it stay on course or even change directions to hit the desired target. They hit with deadly precision and the shooter does not have to worry about missing anymore. These specialized bullets are being used in guns and larger weapons.
2. The Pain Ray
Those phasers were pretty awesome that Captain Kirk and his crew packed. One shot with those phasers and the antagonizing alien was destroyed. As real life imitates art, the military has been working on a disturbing device they call the Pain Ray. This is another weapon that depends on electromagnetic force. Basically, the shooter focuses the ray gun at a target and sends out a silent, invisible wave of destruction. If this wave hits a human, it causes an internal combustion by raising their temperature to over 200 degrees.

Even though the wave lasts for a few seconds, it is enough to completely fry its victim. Even though it was taken to some battles in Afghanistan five years ago, it was never used.

3. Corner Shot Weapon
Look out Dr. Who, because this gun puts a new twist on shooting around the corner. In the past, soldiers had to use instinct and luck when coming around the corner where there could be an on-coming enemy.

Someone got smart and put a hinge on this special semi-automatic pistol so that the barrel can swivel from side to side. Actually, the design was made during the World War II, but it was never implemented. This pistol also is equipped with a small camera monitor that lets the shooter see what is around the bend before shooting.

4. Quantum Stealth Cloak
Nature has taught us that one of the best ways to hide is to do it out in the open. Camouflage is one of the ways that many animals do not end up as breakfast for their predators. Using the same natural techniques, a company in Canada has developed a camouflaged cloak called the Quantum Stealth.

It virtually makes the wearer disappear into the background. Not even infrared cameras can detect the person under the coat. It does not require any type of power and are cheap to manufacture. Technology such as the Quantum Stealth can easily hide troops and possibly equipment.

5. Taser Shockwave

This Goliath taser is composed of two rows of 16 tasers which can be shot by one row or both. It is able to deliver a disabling shock to its target from a distance of nearly 40 feet. The Taser Shockwave is currently being used in military operations.

6. Electromagnetic Railgun
Just imagine how powerful a projectile would be that weighs nearly 25 pounds! Most modern cannons and missile launchers shoot these enormous bullets with the use of chemicals, like gun powder. Loading and shooting these projectiles usually took a person to take care of the chemicals and another person for the loading.

Recently, our Navy developed a weapon that uses electromagnetic power to propel the bullets instead of the cumbersome powders. It is called the Electromagnetic Railgun and it only needs one person to load and shoot it. The Pentagon says that it should be ready for trial as early as next year.

7. Magneto Hydrodynamic Explosive Munition (MAHEM)
It is quite a feat of science and engineering to create a weapon that will form its projectiles in mid-air. This powerful weapon is currently under development. The MAHEM weapon uses a strong magnetic field to shoot molten metal into the air, where it quickly solidifies before hitting its target. The magnetic field carries a stronger punch that traditional gunpowder.

It saves a lot of time and energy that is usually needed to load solid slugs. The technology can be used in hand weapons or missile launchers. MAHEM is still in the development stage but has potential for ground-to-air combat.

8. Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordinance (EXACTO)
One of our military’s best-kept secret is our trained snipers. Ammunition experts are constantly trying to develop weapons with better features that will help these valuable soldiers. The EXACTO rifle is still being tested—but it is showing great promise. Its vision features have optimal resolution for better accuracy.

It also has a computerized system that makes its settings resistant to tampering. The rifle has and expanded range and shoots intelligent bullets that are able to track their target. The EXACTO rifle should be in the hands of our military sharp shooters by the beginning of next year.

9. Freeze Rays
How many science fiction movies have we watched that included the perennial freeze ray? One blast from the astronaut’s gun and the nefarious Martian is turned into a green ice sculpture. Such fantastical weapons have jumped from the screens of B-movies and landed in the hands of some scientists in Germany.

Although it has not officially been developed into a weapon, the technology is available that combines pressurized gas and laser beams that effect the atomic structure of the target. Almost any element can be frozen solid in seconds with one blast of the freeze rays.

10. Thunder Cannon
Just about all of us have been to a loud rock concert and felt the music blaring from the speakers vibrate our whole insides. Sound is composed of vibrations and it can be used as a destructive energy. This was the premise that experts used when they invented the Thunder Generator.

This high-tech cannon uses a blend of common chemicals and compressed air that can completely stun a target within a radius of nearly 100 feet. If the person is within close range, the explosion would be deadly. The Thunder Generator has been successfully used in several test runs, deployment of this weapon is on the horizon.

11. The Rods of God
This is another weapon that is currently available just in theory. Scientists have used their studies of destructive meteors to theorize the possibility of dropping projectiles from space. The concept would require two orbiting satellites.

While one would figure coordinates, it would send a quick message to the other one to drop heavy metal rods that are nearly twenty feet long. The atmosphere of the Earth would act like a super accelerant and the rods with sink deep into the ground with violent force. As of this time, the idea is still in theoretical development.

12. Free Electron Laser (FEL)
Ever since the Manhattan Project, military scientists have been fascinated with using atomic energy as a weapon. In this case, some developers theorized that a high-intensity laser beam could be created from the energy of free-roaming electrons in atoms. Essentially, these bored electrons are moving so quickly that their harnessed energy could be as strong as a launched missile.

Instead of using costly missiles, a FEL can be used to hit targets from the ground or in the air. A prototype has been tested by the military; however, the Free Electron Laser is yet to be used on the combat field.

The advent of the machine gun revolutionized warfare. Our soldiers no longer had to waste precious time by constantly reloading ammunition. They could also fire several rounds quickly, which saved many lives. The DREAD gun is a machine gun on steroids.

According to reports, this gun can fire as many as 12,000 rounds a minute. It uses a powerful centrifugal force and can fire different sizes of shot. As if these capabilities were not enough, test shooters report that the gun is silent, does not pack a kick, and does not even produce a muzzle flash. It was developed in Connecticut and still has not been officially adopted into US military arsenals.

this next weapon is the REAL R2D2, click Next Page→
14. Robotic Soldiers
Enemy forces better watch out, because R2D2 is packing heat! Engineering experts created a robot they dubbed TALON that can perform different tasks on the battlefield via remote control. These steel soldiers can travel across difficult terrains and are equipped with cameras that send back images to the operators.

The experts upgraded this robot with weapons and named it SWORDS, short for Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection System. The operator just uses the robot’s cameras to get aim for accurate firing. It is as easy as playing a game of Space Invaders. Both of these robots are working in our military.

15. The Punisher
During many wars and conflicts, targets that were hidden or buried underground were especially problematic. Often times, enemy troops hid dangerous weapons or high-ranking military personnel in deep underground bunkers. The Punisher, also called the XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement System, was developed to bust through these buried fortresses.

The Punisher is a semi-automatic grenade launcher that can be programmed to explode at different points in detention. It can explode while in the air and then send another explosion into its target. It has already been tested in Afghanistan and will soon be ready for regular use, according to US military sources.

These “kill weapons” allegedly are so maneuverable that they cannot be detected by radar click Next Page→
16. Kill Weapon of China
The reality of these weapons are based purely on speculation. According to some international sources, military engineers in China are working on weapons of mass destruction that will be carried by their naval fleet. These missiles apparently can be shot from the water or in the air.

They are rumored to be powerful enough to destroy some of the largest aircraft carriers in the American fleet. These “kill weapons” allegedly are so maneuverable that they cannot be detected by radar. The reports about these nefarious warheads come from reputable sources; however, they are still lumped with the Loch Ness Monster as a rumor.

17. Excalibur
People who may have seen this unmanned air craft tested might have easily thought that Area 54 had finally unleashed its UFOs. Excalibur was developed by an American flight company and is able to make a takeoff and landing vertically. This amazing craft can zoom through the air at nearly 500 miles an hour and can easily be equipped with missiles or other weapons.

Excalibur can strike with the lightning speed of a sword and destroy its targets. It is second-generation technology that is related to traditional drones and Apache helicopters. Unfortunately, Excalibur will not be in full service for a few years.

They say that the best offense is defense, and this is the case for HELLADS. Short for High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System, HELLADS is being developed to intercept artillery such as rockets and mortars. This invention uses laser technology to destroy incoming misses before they hit their target.

Military engineers have made it a convenient size to be used on a regular-sized craft. They do not need time to cool off like traditional interception crafts do. This will make the defense much quicker. HELLADS has been years in development and should be ready by 2020 for military use.

The bugs are watching you!! Click Next Page→
19. Smart Bugs
Watch out when you swat at the beetle buzzing around the potato salad at your next picnic. It may be watching you. According to reports, the US Defense Department has scientists working on creating insects with their own set of bionics. They call it the Hybrid Insect Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Program and the technology is ready.

Essentially, scientists would implant insect larva with tiny microchips that would grow into the insect’s body, like a miniature Terminator. Then, specialists could let these bugs loose in a place that needs surveillance. The bugs could be remotely controlled and could send back pictures and other information without being detected.

20. Spy Glasses
Has someone been going through James Bond’s list of gadgets? The glasses that helped Robo-Cop are now a military reality. Recently, computerized glasses were developed for police officers in Brazil that were linked to a database of millions of faces of wanted criminals.

The glasses were fitted with a high-tech camera that was constantly scanning the crowds at a recent world sporting events. The camera was able to capture four hundred images a second and instantly compare them to the criminal database. The military is finding ways that these high-tech specs can help in battlefield operations. We probably will not be picking up any at our local optometrist any time soon.