Unsurprisingly, the most expensive cats can also be the largest in the pack. Many of the animals that boast price tags over $10,000 are quite large. These animals are not only expensive to maintain, they often create quite a statement within the neighborhood. Others may fear these animals—even though they are often some of the most docile in the group. Size doesn’t always matter, though. Many of these cats are consider small or medium-sized and weigh as little as five pounds.Since many of these breeds are crossed with other breeds or closely bred within their own gene pools, they often require a little more medical attention. Respiratory issues, pinched tear ducts and heart problems may arise within these breeds, so make sure you get a certificate of health or guarantee when purchasing from a breeder.
Though most of these cats are very temperamental, make sure that you check to make sure they will make a good addition to your home before making a purchase. Though most of these cats are great with kids, some prefer quieter environments and will fare better in households with older residents.No matter if you’re in the market for such an animal or simply just curious, these cats are sure to delight and entertain.
21. Siamese
Average Price – $200-$800
Native to Thailand, the Siamese cat is a natural breed. It has been genetically mutated to create a pointed pattern on its feet, offsetting the lighter color of its body and legs. The Balinese, Himalayan, Persian, Tonkinese, Havana Brown and Oriental all come from the Siamese cat.

In Thailand, the Siamese cat is known as Wichianmat, which translates to moon diamond. By the 1900s, the Siamese became an extremely popular breed in the western world, thanks to their playful attitudes, higher than average intelligence and social attitudes. These cats often live up to 10 years, but some cats live to be 12.5 years.

20. Egyptian Mau
Average Price – $500-$800
Cats in the Egyptian Mau family generally have short hair that is marked by dark spots. Since they are one of the rare breeds of cats that don natural spots, they are highly coveted in the western world. These pets are also known to have sing-song voices and often sound like they are gargling or singing when they meow.

This breed was created in Italy in the 1950s, thanks to the Princess Natalie of Russia began collecting various species from Egypt. The Egyptian Mau is also one of the quickest cats and usually land on their feet.

19. Selkirk Rex
Average Price – $500-$800
These little balls of fur are distinct because of their curly hair. Selkirk Rex cats come in both long and shorthair varieties. This unusual looking cat was first bred in Montana in the 1980s and made popular on the TV show “Moonlighting”.

These breeds vary in personality and can be cuddly, laidback or playful. When improperly bred, the Selkirk Rex can have kinked tear ducts that result in tears running down the cats face almost consistently. This cat’s physical attributes are often compared to the British Shorthair.

18. Norwegian Forest Cat
Average Price – $500-$800
This longhaired cat is popular thanks to its long, glossy coat. Historians believe that Vikings introduced this cat to Norway around 1,000 AD. The Norwegian Forest cat almost became extinct back in World War II, but efforts put into place by the Norwegian Forest Cat Club kept the reed alive.

The cat comes in a variety of colors, including black and white and brown and white. These cats are known to be extremely quiet but become louder when dogs are around. They are very sociable and need constant attention. They often prefer the outdoors but adapt well as indoor cats too.

17. American Shorthair
Average Price – $500-$900
The American Shorthair is said to be the seventh most popular cat in the United States according to Cat Financier’s Association. Though the American Shorthair is named after America, its origins are thought to have begun in Europe.

Historians believe these cats were brought to the United States in order to protect valuable cargo from mice and other pests. These cats are known for their pinched faces and short hair. The American Shorthair has a powerful build and is very muscular. They are also known to be very agreeable pets and are extremely affectionate with their owners.

16. Korat
Average Price – $600-$800
Though Korats are relatively small, they are extremely strong and heavy. They are marked by their dark gray hair and heart-shaped eyes that are always green. Korats are extremely loving animals and are considered to be good luck. Surprisingly, most of these cats weren’t sold to private owners—only given as gifts.

Originally called the Blue Siamese in the wester world, the Korat showed up in Britain in the 1800s. The first appeared in “The Cat Book Poems” in Thailand. It also shows up on certain postage stamps in the country. Cats in this breed who have white stripes are considered very rare.

15. Siberian
Average Price – $700-$900
Siberians are known as being one of the largest cats to be domesticated. They have powerful bodies and large chests. Their ears are medium-to-large. The full name of this breed is the Siberian Forest Cat.

Hailing from Russia, they might be the breed that all other long-haired breeds hailed from. Since many who suffer from allergies believe Siberians produce less allergens than other cats with long hair, they are better for allergy sufferers. These cats are known to be extremely loyal and long-time companions. Since their fur is so long, these cats must be groomed and cleaned often to ensure their fur does not mat or tangle.

14. Ocicat
Average Price – $800
Another cat with natural spots, the Ocicat is domesticated yet looks wild. Domestically bred, these cats were first bred in the United States. Ocicats come in twelve colors and have strong, muscular legs. They have large ears and heads that are shaped like a wedge.

Most cats in this breed are extremely sociable and are not shy to approach strangers. Some of these cats have dog-like personalities and perform tricks in a similar way to dogs, like fetching and walking on a leash. Many owners even report that their Ocicats will play in the water.

13. British Shorthair
Average Price – $800-$1,000
Similar in appearance to the American Shorthair, the British Shorthair is recognizable by its dark gray coat and short fur. The main differentiation is its chunky body. Unlike the American Shorthair, which is lean and muscular, the British Shorthair has rolls of skin.

These cats are descendent of Egyptian cats and were popularized by “Alice and Wonderland” through the roll of the Cheshire Cat. Though traditionally gray, British Shorthairs are available in many colors, including black and brown. They are very sweet but dignified and are usually kept as indoor cats only. Their short fur makes them easy to groom and clean.

12. Ragdoll
Average Price – $800-$1,100
Ragdoll cats have long, fluffy hair and are known for their distinctive, piercing blue eyes. These cats are descendent from Persian and Angora cats and were first bred in the 1960s. They come in a variety of colors, including brown and white and black and white. Substantially large cats, some males can weigh in at 20 pounds.

The name Ragdoll was created in the 1970s. Ragdolls are very personable and another breed that resembles dogs. They often follow their owners around, seeking attention. Some even believe that the Ragdoll is resistant to pain.

11. American Curl
Average Price – $800-$1,200
The most distinctive feature on the American Curl is the short ears that curl away from the face, giving this breed its name. American Curls first made an appearance in the 1980s. Supposedly, they showed up on doorsteps in California.

These are medium-sized cats that are not bred too closely to any other relatives, so they often live long lives and are relatively healthy. They are known for loving people and have very gentle personalities, which makes this cat a great gift for children. Another cat with dog-like attributes, many owners claim they can teach their American Curls to fetch.

10. Scottish Fold Cat
Average Price – $800-$1,500
These cats have short fur and looks somewhat similar to American Shorthairs and British Shorthairs. Their most distinctive feature is their short ears that fold over. They have large eyes and are often gray in color. Originating in Scotland in 1961, these cats all come from one common ancestor named Susie.

They are known for being extremely outgoing. They are also quite clever, and many Scottish Folds are known for teaching themselves how to open cabinets and knock over items—so be sure to train Scottish Folds early! Since many Scottish Folds are bred so closely within their families, they often have a variety of health issues.

9. Sphynx
Average Price – $900-$1,200
One of the most visually striking cats on the list, the sphynx appears to have no hair, so these cats are great for anyone with allergy issues. Though they look bald, they don a down coat. Popularized by Dr. Evil in the movie “Austin Powers”, Sphynx have pointy ears and come in a variety of colors.

Their skin tends to have a loose look to it. Sphynx are known to be very healthy, but certain health problems may arise, including respiratory issues. These cats—though they may not look very cuddly—are extremely friendly and love to love their owners.

8. American Wirehair
Average Price – $1,000-$1,200
Mutated from the American Shorthair, the American Wirehair has many physical attributes to its recent ancestor. These cats are strong, sturdy animals that have almond-shaped eyes. One of the rarest cats, there are only 22 of them known in the world.

Though they look similar to the American Shorthair, their most distinctive feature is their wiry hair that is short and springs to the touch. Though some of these cats would do well as outdoor cats, most enjoy the indoors. They are known to be very playful animals and love to be pet. They also make great lap cats.

7. Russian Blue Cat
Average Price – $1,000-$1,700
Although this cat is called the Russian Blue, the breed has no blue in its fur. Russian Blues often come in colors that range from dark gray to black. Though they are shy around strangers, they are known to be very sociable animals.

Also called Archangel Blues, these cats hail from Russia but were brought to the British Isles in the 1800s. Most Russian Blues have green eyes, which pop against their monochromatic fur. They are known to be extremely cuddly, yet most cats in this breed can be a little nervous and are known to jump when startled—which happens often.

6. The Peterbald
Average Price – $1,700-$3,000
Like the Sphynx, the Peterbald is an extremely shorthaired cat. Though they hail from Russia, they more closely resemble Oriental cats than other Russian ones. Though most are born bald, some are born with small tufts of fur that they eventually lose.

These cats make great pets to children because they are extremely friendly and loyal. They have almond-shaped eyes and come in a variety of colors, including pink and gray. (They also look like Dobby from Harry Potter!) They love tricks and attention and will do almost anything to please their owners. These cats were first introduced in the early 1990s.

5. Persian
Average Price – $3,000
These large, fluffy balls of fur have short, round faces. They have long hair that comes in a variety of colors. They probably originated in Persia in the 1600s. First shown at a cat show in the 1800s, the Persian has long-since been a popular cat. They have sweet personalities and are extremely quiet.

They love quiet lifestyles and homes, so while little children often love Persians, they do better with an older crowd. Health issues include respiratory issues and heart conditions. These cats have also been cross bred with Himalayan cats, including Siamese.

4. The Bengal
Average Price – $3,000-$5,000
Cross bred between domestic and feral jungle cats, the Bengal has strange spotted markings. Created in the 1970s by Dr. William Centerwall, Bengal cats have since become domesticated. Cats can be long or short haired. They range in size.

Female Bengals are relatively small, where male Bengal cats can grow as large as a medium-sized dog. These cats are not great for small children since they can be temperamental. Bengals love swimming and climbing, so they integrate into areas that have access to outdoor spaces. These cats need tons of attention and love to play with others.

3. The Savannah
Average Price – $25,000
One of the priciest cats on the list, the Savannah is bred between domestic and feral species. This species come in sizes both large and small. The smallest Savannahs are around seven pounds, while the largest ones weigh in around 25 pounds.

They have exotic, distinct spots that make them appear even more feral. Like the Bengal, the Savannah loves to play outside and needs tons of attention. These cats came on the scene in the 1980s and have been popular ever since. Since these are shorthaired cats, they are easy to care for and maintain.

2. The Ashera
Average Price -$75,000-$125,000
Considered one of the most exotic cats on the market, the Ashera tops this list with both price and size. Asheras can take up plenty of space in the home, so pet owners should have a large abode with plenty of outdoor space.

Bred from Savannah cats, Asheras usually weigh more than 20 pounds. This cat has an exotic coat with spots and sometimes stripes marking its fur. They often are mildly tempered and adore kids. That being said, many children are afraid of Asheras thanks to their larger than average size.

If you’re in the market for an exotic animal, there are plenty to choose from. You’ll just need to through down a pretty penny to make it happen. From small to large, these cats top out the list of the craziest cats out there—in size and in price.
1. YOUR cat
Average Price -PRICELESS
Your cat is your best fuzzy friend, alarm clock, and one true companion who will hang out with you while you’re in the bathroom. Your cat might not’ve cost you as much as the feral jungle Ashera cat, but you wouldn’t trade your baby for anything in the world! You know the best part of you and your cat? You decided to ADOPT! Adopting a cat not only means you save 100s of dollars, but you also save them from a dangerous street life and potential euthanasia.

Cats that come from a shelter have many benefits. First of all, shelters are focused on rescuing animals, while pet stores treat them like livestock. Second, most shelters spay, neuter, deworm, vaccinate, and even microchip cats before they find their forever homes. Cats that come from shelters are more socialized, because a good shelter will promote their friendliness with other animals and humans. Shelter cats are introduced to many different types of people in their vital kitten stages and usually live with a good number of other cats. Adopting your kitty from a shelter is spiritually rewarding – knowing that you’ve saved a life and given them a loving home.